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Shaping Industry

FEATURED: GeoExchange BC advocates for slew of improvements to BC Clean Growth Strategy


Friday, 24 August 2018

To: The Honourable George Heyman Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Government of British Columbia
To: Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council (Climate Advisory Council)
To: Climate Leadership Team

Re: ‘Intentions Paper: CLEAN, EFFICIENT BUILDINGS’ Commentary and recommendations in support of Geoexchange technology

Dear Minister Heyman, Climate Advisory Council, Climate Leadership Team,

We at GeoExchange BC (British Columbia’s geoexchange industry association, established in 2002) wish to congratulate you for embarking on this critical effort to prepare for our province’s economic and environmental future. It will take great courage and vision to implement the policies and initiatives currently under consideration, and even more wisdom to continue adjusting your course in favour of the feedback you receive from experts in the economic, environmental and energy disciplines. The Intentions Paper entitled ‘Clean, Efficient Buildings’ is a positive and important signal of your intentions to take imminent much-needed action.

Notwithstanding, we must say that we were somewhat surprised and disheartened to read in the Intentions Paper entitled ‘Clean, Efficient Buildings’ that Government staff have altogether omitted the term ‘Geoexchange’ from the document, and have practically also omitted to include the term ‘heat-pump’ other than to extol the less efficient air-source version.

Geoexchange heat pump technology, inarguably the highest efficiency space and water heating standard known, is altogether proven, available, reliable, and it can serve to achieve a tremendous portion of the climate change goals that Government has set as it relates to clean and efficient buildings, addressing both energy efficiency and carbon emissions objectives more effectively than any other technology on the market.

Accordingly, we kindly invite you to give pause and contemplate the important analyses provided in the ‘Discussion’ section of our response, as well as to consider – in the spirit of progress and change – the tremendous gains achievable by implementing a maximum number of the ‘Recommendations’ also contained herein (28 recommendations in all).

Please click here to view the complete GeoExchange BC response to the Government’s request for comments.

GeoExchange BC secures quarterly updates from BC Ministry


In what is now a new quarterly series of articles authored by the BC Ministry of Environment, government staff overseeing environmental and natural resource sectors are pleased to offer regular updates to GeoExchange BC members, and to the geoexchange industry at large, related to legislation and policy development and program activities that may affect the geoexchange industry.

The intent of these updates is to provide GeoExchangeBC members with information related to the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) and regulations that are relevant to the geoexchange industry. This may include updates related to legislation and policy development, compliance and enforcement activities, and progress reports related to specific projects and data management from the Ministry of Environment (ENV) and Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO).

Please click here to view the Ministry articles series.

GeoExchange BC provides consultation on BCGWA Groundwater Handbook


The Groundwater Protection Regulation Handbook authored by the BC Groundwater Association (BCGWA) is a reference tool used by practitioners working in the groundwater and related industries.  It is a well-illustrated, easy-to-read handbook that provides quick access to specific requirements of the Groundwater Protection Regulation (GWPR) under the former Water Act.  With the coming into force of the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) and expansion of the GWPR in February 2016, the Handbook is under revision. 

GeoExchange BC has joined the BCGWA Handbook Steering Committee and is providing support and expertise on matters relating to geoexchange drilling.

GeoExchange BC provides commentary on City of Vancouver water efficiency amendments

City staff express thanks to GeoExchange BC following feedback on water efficiency and waste reduction bylaw changes

Proposed water efficiency amendments to City of Vancouver by-laws were prepared following a public consultation, with an aim of addressing improvements in the areas of plumbing fixtures, appliances, mechanical equipment, irrigation systems and other water uses.  Reducing wastage of drinking water and promoting water efficiency is a key priority of the City of Vancouver under the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan.

Geoexchange BC provided commentary and made recommendations on the City's bylaw amendment proposal.

GeoExchange BC provides commentary on second round of BC Climate Leadership Plan

Government's 'Consultation Guide' serves as basis for second phase of public review

The Province of British Columbia launched the second round of public engagement on the Climate Leadership Plan with the release of the Consultation Guide.  At the same time, the Province began sector-specific consultations.  The Climate Leadership Plan was unveiled in August 2016.

GeoExchange BC prepared and submitted a second round of commentary specifically calling for stimulus towards geoexchange deployment in the short and medium terms.


GeoExchange BC petitions APEGBC for update to Professional Practice Guidelines

Peer organisations seek means to provide needed updates to APEGBC mechanical guidelines document

The document 'Mechanical Engineering Services on Building Projects - 04 Feb 1993' published by the Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of BC is one several which make up the association's Professional Practice Guidelines series.  (This is not to be confused with the 'GeoExchange BC Professional Guidelines' which can be found here.)

GeoExchange BC met with the Associate Director of Professional Practice at APEGBC to discuss the measures required and the timeline under consideration for a much-need update to the APEGBC mechanical guidelines document.

GeoExchange BC engages at QUEST Community Energy Symposium

Chair promotes geoexchange industry interests at Metro Vancouver event

On 28 January 2016 GeoExchange BC attended the QUEST Community Energy Symposium, an event focused on 'Preparing to Implement the Climate Leadership Plan' through building energy performance as well as accelerating uptake of community & renewable energy.  The one-day event was an important annual touchpoint for local governments, energy service providers, and the real estate sector to discuss the latest opportunities and challenges with regards to energy and GHGs for communities in the lower mainland.

GeoExchange BC led discussions and engaged with key stakeholders in support of the geoexchange industry.

GeoExchange BC addresses Power Smart Energy Managers at BC Hydro workshop

Power Smart Energy Managers discuss geoexchange opportunities with GeoExchange BC

On 28 October 2015 (as also previously in June 2015), GeoExchange BC co-delivered a presentation with BC Hydro representatives and took questions from attendees of the BC Hydro Power Smart Energy Managers Workshop.  Topics included performance of systems, the state of the geoexchange industry, strategic initiatives of the GeoExchange BC organisation, as well as information about / and distribution of the GeoExchange BC Professional Guidelines.

GeoExchange BC consults on new ITA driller certification program

New certification path for drillers meets geoexchange industry need

With support from the Ministry of Environment ('MOE'), with guidance from the Industry Training Authority ('ITA') and in collaboration with the BC Groundwater Association (BCGWA), GeoExchange BC is proud to announce a new certification path for geoexchange drillers in British Columbia.  Through GeoExchange BC's ongoing participation in the ITA's certification program, the much needed and previously lacking certification path for geoexchange drillers is now in place.

As a result, an individual in British Columbia can now become certified as a 'Geoexchange Driller' by challenging the certification which is overseen and administered by the ITA.  Individuals who wish to challenge the Geoexchange Driller certification must complete the Geoexchange Driller Challenge Application and submit it to the ITA.

For more information, please click here to visit the Industry Training Authority.

GeoExchange BC literature serves as basis for NGWA publication

GeoExchange BC heavily cited in NGWA's Guidance document on Hydrogeology and Its Impact on Large-Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

The publishing arm of the (US) National Groundwater Association, NGWA Press, has published a new guideline entitled 'Understanding Hydrogeology and Its Impact on Large-Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Systems'.  This guideline is said by the NGWA to bridge the gap between existing HVAC literature and geothermal heat pump industry training and literature.

The GeoExchange BC Professional Guidelines Part-1 and Part-2 (of four parts) were quoted heavily in the preparation of the new NGWA material.

GeoExchange BC provides commentary on BC MOE Water Sustainability Act intention papers

Province's intention paper for Water Sustainability Act open to public review

The BC Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations have jointly released a set of papers describing proposed new policies related to groundwater licensing, well construction and maintenance, dam safety and compliance and enforcement.  These papers reflect the next step in the implementation of the 'Water Sustainability Act (WSA)' – the development of new regulations to address core water management functions.

GeoExchange BC prepared and submitted commentary to inform the development of the proposed act.

GeoExchange BC provides commentary on first round of BC Climate Leadership Plan

Province’s 'Discussion Paper' for Climate Leadership Plan open to first phase of public review

The Province of British Columbia prepared a Climate Leadership Plan to ensure it remains on the path to achieving 2020 and 2050 emissions targets.  In May 2015, government appointed a Climate Leadership Team of leaders from business, academia, environmental communities, First Nations and local governments. They provided advice and recommendations to government on the Climate Leadership Plan. Public feedback from the discussion paper process informed their ongoing work.

GeoExchange BC prepared and submitted commentary to inform the development of the proposed plan.

GeoExchange BC provides commentary on national CSA C448 standard

ANSI’s Makes Call for Comment on C448

In volume 46 (#28) of ANSI’s Standards Action publication, the Bi-national USA-Canada BSR/CSA C448-2015 standard 'Design and installation of ground source heat pump systems for commercial and residential buildings' is listed as being under ‘Call for Comment on Standards Proposals’ until 24 August 2015.

GeoExchange BC prepared and submitted commentary to inform the development of the proposed standard.

GeoExchange BC informs City of Vancouver's 100% Renewables report

Vancouver City Council passes motion to support 100% Renewable Energy in Vancouver

In March 2015 the Vancouver City Council re-committed to the long term goal of deriving 100% of its energy from renewable sources.  As part of the Greenest City Action Plan, City of Vancouver staff are currently developing a long range Climate Action Plan to meet the 100% renewables mandate.

GeoExchange BC met with city staff and provided commentary on a report intended to advise on the challenges, barriers, opportunities and potential actions for geoexchange (a.k.a. geothermal) to remain an essential component of the city's energy mix.

GeoExchange BC hosts Climate Action Secretariat at 6th Biennial Conference

Climate Director delivers hopeful keynote address at provincial geoexchange industry conference

Suzanne Spence, Executive Director of the Climate Action Secretariat, the entity mandated by the Ministry of Environment to lead the Climate Leadership Plan, delivered an upbeat keynote address to attendees of the 2015 GeoExchange BC Conference & Trade Show.  The event entitled 'Proven technology, Defined Implementation, Improving Capabilities, Forging Policy' took place at Surrey City Hall and was sponsored by the four largest municipalities in the lower mainland, namely the City of Burnaby, City of Richmond, City of Surrey, and City of Vancouver.

GeoExchange BC continued in its tradition of fostering strong relationships and advocating for geoexchange industry needs with members of the Climate Action Secretariat and the Ministry of Environment.



GeoExchange BC addresses Carbon Neutral Government symposium hosted by BC Climate Action Secretariat

BC Hydro Power Smart joins GeoExchange BC in delivering insights on GHG reduction opportunities in the public sector

On 3 December 2014, GeoExchange BC and BC Hydro Power Smart jointly delivered presentations to attendees of the Carbon Neutral Government symposium hosted by the BC Climate Action Secretariat, highlighting the increasingly important role that geoexchange will play in managing energy use and reducing GHG emissions in public sector developments in BC.

GeoExchange BC presents to Education Facilities Managers Association of BC

GeoExchange BC DELIVERS resources and education to school sector

On 4 June 2014, GeoExchange BC delivered a presentation to members of the Education Facilities Managers of British Columbia, showcasing the GeoExchange BC Professional Guidelines resource literature and highlighting the increasingly important role that geoexchange will play in managing energy use and reducing GHG emissions in the school sector built environment in BC.